Our Intensive Outpatient Program is designed to provide treatment that fits into daily life. Meeting four evenings a week for eight weeks, clients are able to maintain employment, as well as family and community involvement. Having the opportunity to practice complete abstinence and new coping skills in the “real world” while engaged in treatment is the basic formula for successful recovery.
Our weekly schedule is tailored to our clients to help them gain the skills needed to continue their sobriety. Our Twelve Step Facilitation model uses an evidence-based curriculum that promotes abstinence from drugs and alcohol and incorporates three key ideas: acceptance, surrender and active involvement.
is the realization that addiction is a chronic, progressive disease over which one has no control.
involves giving oneself over to a higher power and following the recovery activities laid out by the 12-step program.
is done through 12-step meetings and related activities.
Click here for more information behind the success of this model. The Cochran Review discussed in the article can be found here.
We treat the mind, body and spirit with the result being total and long-term abstinence, and the building of hope and restoration of lives. Our structured program helps men and women become healthy and whole, while also teaching them how to rebuild their lives from the bottom up.
We are committed to providing a safe and positive environment so that our clients can begin their recovery with a calm and peaceful mindset.