We know that addiction is a disease, but the good news is that it is a treatable disease. With the right tools and interventions, one can overcome and be free from alcohol and drugs.
Having a dedicated team can make all the difference in someone's recovery beginning. The team of people at Bee Cave Recovery are committed to helping each person that walks through our door. Our person-centered and hands-on approach is what makes our program special and successful. We bring in each new member with care and compassion and develop an individualized treatment plan based on their unique strengths and needs. Our positive peer culture promotes an atmosphere of camaraderie and connectedness as we pursue new paths of recovery together. Close and lasting relationships are forged and once a part of our hive, always a part of our hive.
Jim Anderson
Executive Director
Jim Anderson, LMSW is a visionary leader who has held executive management positions for social service agencies in California, and nonprofit organizations in Austin, Texas. James specializes in starting, implementing, and scaling innovative programs and initiatives designed to improve outcomes for children and families in social systems. James has experienced and witnessed the miracle of recovery and now strongly desires to give back to the community.

Dennis McCarty
Clinical Director
Dennis McCarty, MA, LCDC has led multiple drug and alcohol treatment centers at the executive management level and has proven abilities in leading staff in the day to day operations of a 12- step intensive treatment center. Dennis is a veteran of the United States Marine Corp and has been in his own personal recovery for 25 years. He knows from personal experience how to achieve sobriety, how to maintain it and how to help others.


Bob Flegal
Bob has been facilitating our weekly meditation group which enhances the recovery process. He has celebrated 43 years of sobriety and is still actively involved in teaching meditation, spiritual development, sponsorship and attends meetings. Bob is also a well-known mathematician and computer scientist. He was a pioneer in computer graphics and was integral to the development of the first computer PAINT program. He coined the term "pixel art." Since retirement, Bob has spent much of his time in community service and giving talks on AI and Quantum Physics, financial independence and tutoring students. He alsoloves sports such as hang-gliding, skiing, windsurfing and flying sailplanes among others.

Denise Anderson
Denise has been with Bee Cave Recovery since the beginning and has been involved in different areas of the nonprofit. She has provided marketing and brand recognition and now works as the business manager handling administrative duties, compliance, and admissions. Denise has a legal and marketing background working in Washington D.C. and other major cities here in the U.S. She in a native Texan having grown up in San Marcos and glad to be back home in Austin after nearly 20 years living all over the country. When not at the office, she enjoys road trips with her family, watching British TV and reading.